GS967 inhibits persistent sodium current in acutely isolated hippocampal
pyramidal neurons from Scn8aD/+
mice. A, Representative traces showing persistent sodium current of untreated
(black), GS967 treated (red), and phenytoin (PHT) treated (blue) neurons from
Scn8aD/+ mice. B&C, Summary data of
persistent sodium current (B) and current-voltage relationship for peak sodium
current (C) for untreated (black symbols, n = 8), phenytoin treated (blue
symbols, n = 6), and GS967 treated (red symbols, n = 7) neurons from
Scn8aD/+ mice. Open symbols represent individual
cells, while closed symbols represent mean ± S.E.M. Statistical
comparison were performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s
post-test. * represent statistical difference compared to untreated cells for
phenytoin (p < 0.04 and GS967 (p < 0.001) treated cells.