A, Annualized rate of percentage change in the right superior frontal thickness, plotted as a function of age at baseline. B, Annualized rate of percentage change in third ventricle volume, plotted as a function of age at baseline. Locally weighted smoothing curve with 95% CI (colored area) is shown for each diagnostic group. With the use of a generalized linear model, a significant group (clinically high risk with conversion to psychosis [CHR-C] vs healthy control [HC]) by chronological age interaction was observed (right superior frontal thickness: P = .03; third ventricle: P = .001). Outliers defined by studentized deleted residuals exceeding ±3 were excluded (2 HCs, 4 individuals at clinically high risk with no conversion to psychosis [CHR-NC], and 2 individuals at CHR-C). Further details about demographics, image processing steps, and principal findings are reported in prior publications.14,42,43