Linear probability estimates of changes in public coverage obtained using sample weights. Percentage-point changes are obtained from the coefficient estimates of the following variables: year 2015 indicator and an interaction between year 2015 and an indicator for each marketplace structure. The model controls for state-fixed effects, age, race, ethnicity, sex, language, educational level, employment, marital status, and family structure. Percentage point increases between 2013 and 2015 are significantly different from zero at the 5% level for all samples and all marketplace structures. Bars indicate 95% CIs calculated from SEs cluster-corrected at the state level. ACA indicates Affordable Care Act; CHIP, Children's Health Insurance Program; FPL, federal poverty level.
aA significant within-sample difference at the 5% level between state-based and both types of federally facilitated marketplaces.
bA significant within-sample difference at the 5% level between federally facilitated marketplaces with and without enrollment authority.