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. 2018 Jun 27;3(8):693–702. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2018.1717

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics.

Characteristic No. (%)
Total, No. 339 003
Age, mean (SD), y 56.86 (7.99)
Female 181 702 (53.6)
Blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg
Systolic 133.75 (17.93)
Diastolic 82.16 (8.53)
Ideal (never or stopped >1 y ago) 185 843 (54.8)
Intermediate (stopped <1 y ago) 119 372 (35.2)
Poor (current smoker) 33 788 (10.0)
Body mass indexa
Mean (SD) 27.44 (4.70)
Ideal (18.5-24.9) 111 281 (32.8)
Intermediate (25-29.9) 145 730 (43.0)
Poor (≥30) 81 992 (24.2)
Physical activity
Ideal (regular physical activity) 229 342 (67.7)
Intermediate (some physical activity) 84 358 (24.9)
Poor (no regular physical activity) 25 303 (7.5)
Ideal (adequate intake of >5 dietary components) 47 246 (13.9)
Poor (inadequate intake of >5 dietary components) 291 757 (86.1)
Ideal (≥3 ideal factors) 68 666 (20.3)
Intermediate (all other combinations) 252 557 (74.5)
Poor (≥3 poor factors) 17 780 (5.2)
Years in education, mean (SD) 14.75 (4.81)
Income, £b
<18 000 63 738 (18.8)
18 000-30 999 75 419 (22.2)
31 000-51 999 77 640 (22.9)
52 000-100 000 60 695 (17.9)
>100 000 15 763 (4.6)
Unknown 45 748 (13.5)

Body mass index calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


To convert from pound sterling to US dollar, multiply by 1.32712.