Table 1.
Sample description and univariate associations with HIV test acceptance. a
Characteristic | Mean (SD) or n (%) |
Accepted (SD) or n (%) |
Not Accepted (SD) or n (%) |
P-Value |
Race/ Ethnicity (N=2016) | ||||
Hispanic or Latino | 397 (19.7%) | 306 (77.1%) | 91 (22.9%) | |
not Latino but African American or Black | 880 (43.7%) | 741 (84.2%) | 139 (15.8%) | <.01 |
not Latino but other groups not African American or Black | 739 (36.7%) | 626 (84.7%) | 113 (15.3%) | <.01 |
Age (N=2031) | 44.12 (13.2) | 44.22 (12.9) | 43.40 (14.33) | NS |
Education status (N=2010) | ||||
Non- High School | 565 (28.1%) | 474 (83.9%) | 91 (16.1%) | |
Some High School | 651 (32.4%) | 546 (83.9%) | 105 (16.1%) | NS |
Post - High School | 794 (39.5%) | 649 (81.7%) | 145 (18.3%) | NS |
Employment Status (N=2013) | ||||
No | 1238 (61.5%) | 1033 (83.4%) | 205 (16.6%) | |
Yes | 775 (38.5%) | 639 (82.5%) | 136 (17.5%) | NS |
Income (N=1945) | ||||
< $10,000 | 899 (46.2%) | 764 (85%) | 135 (15%) | |
$10,000 - $29,999 | 827 (42.5%) | 683 (82.6%) | 144 (17.4%) | NS |
≥$30,000 | 219 (11.3%) | 181 (82.6%) | 38 (17.4%) | NS |
USBORN (N=2014) | ||||
not born in U.S. | 388 (19.3%) | 305 (78.6%) | 83 (21.4%) | |
born in U.S. | 1626 (80.7%) | 1366 (84.0%) | 260 (16.0%) | <.05 |
Years since Last HIV Test (N=1985) | ||||
0–1 Years Ago | 451 (22.7%) | 332 (73.6%) | 119 (26.4%) | |
Not Previously Tested | 896 (45.1%) | 776 (85.5%) | 130 (14.5%) | <.01 |
2–5 Years Ago | 289 (14.6%) | 246 (85.1%) | 43 (14.9%) | <.01 |
>5 Years Ago | 349 (17.6%) | 302 (86.5%) | 47 (13.5%) | <.01 |
Mean Obstacle Scale (N=2012) | 4.4 (2.1) | 4.3 (2.1) | 4.7 (2.1) | <.01 |
Mean Benefits Scale (N=2012) | 22.2 (3.2) | 22.6 (2.9) | 20.7 (4.0) | <.01 |
Mean Norm Scale (N=2011) | 24.9 (3.7) | 25.1 (3.5) | 23.5 (4.1) | <.01 |
Mean Worry Scale (N=2014) | 5.0 (2.3) | 5.1 (2.3) | 4.2 (2.2) | <.01 |
Relationship Status (N=2011) | ||||
Not in a relationship | 840 (41.8%) | 694 (41.5%) | 146 (17.4%) | |
Married and living with husband | 424 (21.1%) | 343 (80.9%) | 81 (19.1%) | NS |
Married and not living with husband | 116 (5.8%) | 100 (86.2%) | 16 (13.8%) | NS |
Not married and living with a partner | 369 (18.3%) | 306 (82.9%) | 63 (17.1%) | NS |
Not married and not living with a partner | 262 (13.0%) | 228 (87.0%) | 34 (13.0%) | NS |
Partner numbers during Lifetime (N=1971) | ||||
0–3 Partners | 538 (27.3%) | 418 (77.7%) | 120 (22.3%) | |
4–7 Partners | 536 (27.2%) | 455 (84.9%) | 81 (15.1%) | <.01 |
8–15 Partners | 456 (23.1%) | 383 (84.0%) | 73 (16.0%) | <.05 |
More than 15 Partners | 441 (22.4%) | 393 (89.1%) | 48 (10.9%) | <.01 |
Sexual Activity during Recent 3 Months (N=1945) | ||||
0 | 759 (39.0%) | 625 (82.3%) | 134 (17.7%) | |
1 and more | 1186 (61.0%) | 1004 (84.7%) | 182 (15.3%) | NS |
No Condom Used during Recent 3 Months (N=1908) | ||||
No Partners Last 3MO | 399 (20.9%) | 332 (83.2%) | 67 (16.8%) | |
Partners - 100% Condom Use | 774 (40.6%) | 636 (82.2%) | 138 (17.8%) | NS |
≥1 instance of non-condom use | 735 (38.5%) | 632 (86.0%) | 103 (14.0%) | NS |
Oral Sexual Activity during Recent 3 Months (N=1911) | ||||
No | 1116 (58.4%) | 925 (82.9%) | 191 (17.1%) | |
Yes | 795 (41.6%) | 686 (86.3%) | 109 (13.7%) | NS |
Casual Sexual Behaviors during Recent 3 Months (N=1960) | ||||
0 | 1409 (71.9%) | 1186 (84.2%) | 223 (15.8%) | |
≥1 Times | 269 (13.7%) | 237 (88.1%) | 32 (11.9%) | NS |
No Lifetime Partners | 282 (14.4%) | 217 (77.0%) | 65 (23.0%) | <.01 |
Ever Had STD Before (N=2005) | ||||
Not Have STD Before | 1022 (51.0%) | 818 (80.0%) | 204 (20.0%) | |
At Least Have One STD Before | 983 (49.0%) | 847 (86.2%) | 136 (13.8%) | <.01 |
Injection Drug Use Index (N=2008) | ||||
No Use, No Partner Use | 1542 (76.8%) | 1250 (81.1%) | 292 (18.9%) | |
No Use, Partner or Unknown Partner Use | 393 (19.6%) | 353 (89.8%) | 40 (10.2%) | <.01 |
IV Drug Use | 73 (3.6%) | 66 (90.4%) | 7 (9.6%) | <.05 |
Messaging Condition | ||||
Information Only | 518 (25.7%) | 443 (85.5%) | 75 (14.5%) | |
1-Sided Message | 499 (24.8%) | 401 (80.4%) | 98 (19.6%) | <.01 |
2-Sided Superficial Message | 504 (25.0%) | 411 (81.5%) | 93 (18.5%) | NS |
2-Sided Serious Message | 495 (24.6%) | 418 (84.4%) | 77 (15.6%) | NS |
Differences in N represent missing cases.