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. 2018 Sep 11;9:2013. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02013

Table 2.

Longitudinal studies examining effects of military-relevant stressors on human gut microbiota composition and metabolites.

Reference Design Microbiota method Results- Microbiota Results- Microbiota metabolites
Military training
Karl et al., 2017a n = 26M; Norwegian soldiers before and after 4-day arctic military training 16S rRNA gene sequencing Changes in relative abundance of 58% of genera (e.g., ↑Peptostreptococcus. Christensenella, Staphylococcus, Bulleidia, Peptoniphilus, Acidaminococcus, Fusobacterium; ↓Faecalibacterium, Roseburia, Bacteroides, Collinsella) ↑Diversity due to increased abundance of less dominant taxa Fecal metabolome: Changes in microbiota linked to changes in 69 metabolites affected by training; e.g., ↓secondary bile acids, amino acid fermentation metabolites; ↑p-cresol
Plasma metabolome:Changes in microbiota linked to changes in 30 metabolites affected by training; e.g., ↑amino acid fermentation metabolites; ↓benzoate metabolites; ↑↓secondary bile acids
Psychological stress
Knowles et al., 2008 n = 23 (7M); measured before and during exams Targeted; culture ↓Lactic acid bacteria post-exam NA
Kato-Kataoka et al., 2016 n = 46 (25M); measured before and during medical exams, randomized to placebo or probiotic 16S rRNA gene sequencing No reported effects of stress NA
Circadian disruption/Sleep restriction
Benedict et al., 2016 n = 9M; 2 nights 4.25 h SO vs. 2 nights 8.5 h SO 16S rRNA gene sequencing ↓Tenericutes Fecal SCFA, BCFA
↑Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio, Coriobacteriaceae, Erysipelotrichaceae
Zhang et al., 2017 n = 11 (6M); 5 nights of 4 h SO followed by 2–5 nights of 12 h SO 16S rRNA gene sequencing No effects NA
High Altitude
Kleessen et al., 2005 n = 7 (5M); 47 days expedition to 6677 m Targeted; FISH ↑Gammaproteobacteria, Enterobacteriaceae ↓Bifidobacterium, Atopobium/Coriobacterium/Eggerthella lenta Total bacteria, C. coccoides/E. rectale, Lactobacillus/Enterococcus, C. hitolyticum, Bacteroides, F. prausnitzii NA
Adak et al., 2013 n = 15M; 15 days at 3505 m Targeted; culture ↑Total anaerobes, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides, C. perfringens, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Peptostreptococcus, proteinase producers, amylase producers, tannase producers ↓Fecal α-amylase activity↑Fecal proteinase, β-gluronidase, alakaline phosphatase activity
↓Total aerobes, phosphatase producers
Sket et al., 2017a,b, 2018 n = 11M; 21 days bed rest at normobaric hypoxia (∼4000 m) vs. 21 days bed rest at normoxia Targeted; qPCR 16S rRNA gene sequencing; SM Bacteroides spp.; ↔Roseburia/E. rectale, F. prausnitzii, butyrate producing communities Fecal pH, SCFA, BCFA, fecal metabolome
Heat and cold: No human studies
Toxicants/pollutants: No human studies
Noise: No human studies
Travelers’ diarrhea
Kampmann et al., 2016 n = 13 (3M) adults testing positive for Campylobacter jejuni or Salmonella enterica after traveling to high risk region for 1–3 weeks; no Abx use 16S rRNA gene sequencing No changes in relative abundance of any taxa over time NA
Pop et al., 2016 n = 12 (7M) adults challenged with ETEC + ciprofloxacin who developed diarrhea (n = 5) or did not (n = 7) 16S rRNA gene sequencing Diarrhea vs. no-diarrhea post infection: Transient ↓diversity; ↑Escherichia (largely attributed to the challenge strain); within diarrhea group post-infection community similar to pre-treatment community by day 28 NA
Physical activity
Allen et al., 2018b n = 32 (12M; 14 obese); 3 days/week moderate exercise for 6 weeks then sedentary washout for 6 weeks 16S rRNA gene sequencing Lean-exercise: ↓Bacteroides; ↑Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, SCFA-regulating genes Lean-exercise: ↑Fecal acetate, propionate, butyrate
Lean-washout: ↑Collinsella, Dorea;Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira, SCFA-regulating genes Lean-washout: ↓Fecal propionate, butyrate
Obese-exercise: ↑Bacteroides, Collinsella; ↓Faecalibacterium; ↔relative abundance of SCFA-regulating genes Obese-exercise: ↔Fecal acetate, butyrate, propionate
Obese-washout: ↓Collinsella, Dorea, SCFA-regulating genes;Faecalibacterium, Lachnospira Obese-washout: ↔Fecal acetate, butyrate, propionate

Abx, antibiotics; BCFA, branched-chain fatty acids; ETEC, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli; FISH, fluorescence in-situ hybridization; M, men; SCFA, short-chain fatty acids; SM, shotgun metagenomics; SO, sleep opportunity; ↑, increase/higher; ↓, decrease/lower; ↔, no change/no difference. Genus abbreviations: C., Clostridium; E., Eubacterium; F; Faecalibacterium.