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. 2018 Sep 15;2018:bcr2018225714. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2018-225714

Table 1.

Profile of all cases of primary intracranial leiomyosarcoma among HIV-infected population

Author Age/sex Location CD4 count
Time from HIV diagnosis (years) ART EBV Treatment Outcome
Litofsky et al32 50/M Occipital 27 6 NR EBER-1 (+) CR NED 8 mos
Bejjani et al39 38/M Lateral sphenoid NR 0 NR EBV LMP (−) CR NED 12 mos
Brown et al25 34/F Pontine cistern 177 2 EBER-1 (+) PR+Rx AWD 12 mos
Blumentha et al5 43/M Cavernous sinus 23 12 NR EBER (+)
AWD 24 mos
Ritter et al40 5/F Cavernous sinus NR 4 NR EBNA 2 (+) PR NR
Citow et al41 31/F Parasellar NR 0.5 NR EBV IHC (+) PR NR
Lerdlum et al27 NR NR 20–160 NR NR NR Sx+Rx NR
Zevallos-Giampietri et al26 29/M Parasellar NR 3 + EBER (+)
PR+Rx AWD 6 mos
Suankratay et al36 43/F Multifocal 26 4 + EBER-1 (+) CR+Rx DOC 4 mos
49/F Multifocal 26 4 + EBER-1 (+) PR+Rx AWD 10 mos
34/F Tentorium cerebelli 7 5 + EBER-1 (+) CR+Rx NED 8 mos
31/F Multifocal 3 1 EBER-1 (+) PR+Rx AWD 5 mos
35/M Multifocal 20 0 + EBER-1 (+) CR+Rx AWD 4 mos
Gupta et al31 17/F Paracentral 22 14 EBER (+) Bx+Rx+Ch AWD 15 mos
Sivendran et al8 43/M Frontal 14 NR + EBER (+) CR NED 20 mos
Muengtawee pongsa10 33/M Cavernous sinus NR 1.5 NR NR PR NR
Francisco et al (2017) 29/M Multifocal 7 0 + NA CR+Rx+Ch AWD 23 mos
Francisco et al (2017) 36/M Multifocal 144 1 + NA CR+Rx+Ch AWD 27 mos

AWD, alive with disease; Bx, biopsy; Ch, chemotherapy; CR, complete resection; DOC, dead of other causes; DOD, dead of disease; EBER, Epstein-Barr Early RNA; EBNA, EBV nuclear antigen; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; F, female; M, male; mos, months; NA, not applicable; NED, No evidence of disease; NR, not reported; PR, partial resection; Rx, radiotherapy; Sx, unspecified surgery.