Morphological patterns and immunostaining of ALK-positive ALCL.
The common pattern of ALK-positive ALCL comprises sheets of large, “hallmark” cell
proliferation. Neoplastic cells exhibit variably shaped nuclei; invaginated,
horseshoe- or kidney-shaped, donut-like, or Reed-Sternberg-like nuclei with abundant
cytoplasm (A, B). Strong immunoreactivity for CD30 is generally
observed both on the membrane and in the Golgi regions (C). In cases
of ALCL with the t(2;5) translocation, as shown in this figure, the ALK protein has
both nucleolar and cytoplasmic staining pattern (E, F). The
lymphohistiocytic pattern of ALCL shows conspicuous infiltration of small lymphocytes
and histiocytes with pale cytoplasm. Morphologically, neoplastic cells are not clear
but are highlighted by ALK immunostaining (F). The sarcomatoid
pattern of ALCL is characterized by atypical spindle-shaped cell proliferation with
fascicular arrangement, simulating soft tissue sarcomas. Neoplastic cells are positive
for CD30 (H) and ALK expression (G, H).