Figure 4.
miR-27a promotes the proliferation activity of PCa cells and this function is rescued by the overexpression of SPRY2. (A) The proliferation of PCa cells transfected with NC, miR-27a mimics or miR-27a inhibitors by 1 to 5 days, respectively. *P<0.05 vs. NC; **P<0.01 vs. NC. (B) The protein expression of SPRY2 in PCa cells transfected with NC, SPRY2 siRNA, Empty vector or SPRY2 vector for 48 h, respectively. (C) The proliferation of PCa cells transfected with NC, SPRY2 siRNA or SPRY2 vector for 1 to 5 days, respectively. (D) The protein expression of SPRY2 in PCa cells transfected with NC, miR-27a mimics or miR-27a mimics + SPRY2 vector by 48 h, respectively. **P<0.01 vs. NC. (E) The proliferation of PCa cells transfected with NC, miR-27a or miR-27a mimics + SPRY2 for 1 to 5 days, respectively. *P<0.05 vs. NC; **P<0.01 vs. NC. miR, microRNA; SPRY2, Sprouty2; PCA, prostate cancer; si, small interfering; NC, negative control.