p53 binding distribution across the genome. (A) Genomic distribution of peaks relative to genic regions of the 44 activated p53 ChIP-seq data sets: nearTSS (5 kb upstream through the first intron); intragenic (second exon through 3′UTR); and intergenic (everything else). Each point is a ChIP-seq data set. Tukey box plot: box = 25th–75th percentile, black line = median, and whiskers = 1.5 * interquartile range (IQR). Open symbols are outliers for each genomic region. (B) Distribution of called peaks on chromosome 5 in some normal (GM00011, GM6170, HFK) and cancer (MCF-7, U2OS) cells after DXR or Nutlin-3 treatment. Data set reference citations are in () following the peak descriptions.