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. 2018 Jul 13;8(16):7778–7789. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4215

Table 1.

Statistical tests for effects of air temperature (Air), soil temperature (Soil), and their interaction (Air × Soil) in microcosms with either Leucanthemopsis alpina or Pinus mugo

Fraction L. alpina P. mugo
Air Soil Air × Soil Air Soil Air × Soil
df, ddf F‐value df, ddf F‐value df, ddf F‐value df, ddf F‐value df, ddf F‐value df, ddf F‐value
Plant biomass
Total 1, 1 6.84 n.s. 1, 10 7.67 * 1, 10 1.04 n.s. 1, 3 0.07 n.s. 1, 14 0.82 n.s. 1, 14 0.87 n.s.
Shoots 1, 1 4.13 n.s. 1, 10 3.44 (*) 1, 10 0.22 n.s. 1, 3 0.00 n.s. 1, 14 0.17 n.s. 1, 14 1.49 n.s.
Roots 1, 1 0.20 n.s. 1, 10 6.60 * 1, 10 1.14 n.s. 1, 3 0.64 n.s. 1, 14 2.37 n.s. 1, 14 0.08 n.s.
Plant 14C
Total 1, 1 2.15 n.s. 1, 10 4.62 (*) 1, 10 0.31 n.s. 1, 3 2.02 n.s. 1, 14 0.77 n.s. 1, 14 0.39 n.s.
Shoots 1, 1 1.66 n.s. 1, 10 3.22 n.s. 1, 10 0.32 n.s. 1, 3 7.88 (*) 1, 14 1.67 n.s. 1, 14 5.62 *
Roots 1, 1 0.05 n.s. 1, 10 15.05 ** 1, 10 0.42 n.s. 1, 3 43.6 ** 1, 14 0.00 n.s. 1, 14 2.10 n.s.
Root fraction 1, 1 0.03 n.s. 1, 10 4.62 (*) 1, 10 0.31 n.s. 1, 3 61.3 ** 1, 14 2.86 n.s. 1, 14 20.2 ***
Soil 14C
Total (excl. roots) 1, 1 8.62 n.s. 1, 10 8.64 * 1, 10 0.06 n.s. 1, 3 31.3 * 1, 14 0.18 n.s. 1, 14 1.35 n.s.
Soil microbial biomass 1, 1 0.38 n.s. 1, 8 0.00 n.s. 1, 8 0.22 n.s.
Soil depth dependency of temperature effects
Root biomass 1, 2 5.10 n.s. 1, 10 5.04 * 1, 10 0.05 n.s. 1, 6 0.00 n.s. 1, 14 5.27 * 1, 14 6.89 *
Root 14 C 1, 2 0.21 n.s. 1, 10 88.42 *** 1, 10 0.10 n.s. 1, 6 1.87 n.s. 1, 14 0.05 n.s. 1, 14 3.67 (*)
Soil 14C 1, 2 2.17 n.s. 1, 10 6.43 * 1, 10 0.11 n.s. 1, 6 0.07 n.s. 1, 14 0.02 n.s. 1, 14 12.58 **

Results are shown for the analysis of plant biomass (total = shoots + roots, shoots, and roots), the amount of 14C recovered in these plant fractions plus the root fraction of 14C (14C in roots relative to total plant 14C), and the amount of 14C recovered in soils (total, and soil microbial biomass for P. mugo). For roots and soil 14C, tests for the temperature‐dependency of their depth‐distribution are provided (soil layers: 0–5 cm, 5–10 cm, and 10–15 cm). A significant soil temperature × depth interaction indicates a shift in depth distribution with soil temperature, for example, downwards with increasing temperature. All data were log‐transformed. F‐values are given with nominator and denominator degrees of freedom. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, (*) p < 0.1, n.s. p > 0.1). Methods and Results for details.