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. 2018 Jul 22;8(16):8159–8170. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4288

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Third setup of color vision model simulations—achromatic stimulus against chromatic background: (a) Chittka (1992) color hexagon (CH), (b) Endler and Mielke (2005) color triangle (EM), and (c) linear and (d) log‐linear Receptor Noise Limited models (Linear‐RNL and Log‐RNL; Vorobyev & Osorio, 1998; Vorobyev et al., 1998). ΔS‐values (top row) and photoreceptor outputs (bottom row) as a function of spectra with achromatic reflectance from 5% to 95%. Violet, blue, and green colors represent short, middle, and long λ max photoreceptor types, respectively