VCP/p97 inhibition impacts the ultra- and micro-structure of mineralised nodules. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and density-dependent colour scanning electron microscopy (DDC-SEM) micrographs of mineralised nodules formed from hMSC under standard osteogenic conditions or treated with DBeQ or bortezomib. In TEM images, proteinaceous fibrils are evident in the intercellular space in control and bortezomib-treated cultures. In DBeQ-treated samples, the proteinaceous matrix between cells appeared amorphous and clear fibrils were often not evident. Scale bar = 250 nm. In DDC-SEM micrographs, images were coloured in post-processing by combining images from secondary and backscatter electron detectors to identify dense mineral (red) and less dense matrix (green). In control and bortezomib-treated groups, there appears to be an association between the organic matrix and the mineral. In DBeQ-treated groups, dense mineral was often detected without the associated presence of less-dense matrix. Images are representative from experiments carried out on cultures grown from 3 independent donors. Scale bar = 2 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)