Fig. 4.
Phenotypic characterization of sapk1, sapk2 and sapk1/2 mutants at germination and post germination stage. (a) Seed germination analyses: the germination of wild-type (WT) and sapk1, sapk2, sapk1/2 mutants’ seeds on day 6 after stratification on medium supplemented with different concentrations of NaCl. (b) The germination rates of WT and sapk1, sapk2 and sapk1/2 mutants’ seeds on 175 mM NaCl medium over 6 days. All experiments were performed three times each, evaluating more than 60 seeds. (c) Early seedling development analyses: WT and sapk1, sapk2, sapk1/2 mutants’ seeds were geminated in MS medium, and after 3 days all were transferred to 175 mM NaCl-containing medium in a vertical manner. The pictures of representative seedlings were taken 7 days after transfer. (d) Shoot and (e) Root elongation analyses corresponding to (c). Error bars indicate the SD (n = 3). * indicate statistically significant differences between mutant lines and wild type plants (P < 0.05). ** indicate statistically significant differences between mutant lines and wild type plants (P < 0.01)