Fig. 2.
Structure of Aurora kinase domains. Aurora kinases are constituted by (i) an N-terminal domain, believed to control protein localization, (ii) a large and conserved catalytic domain containing the activation T-loop and (iii) a short C-tern domain with a D-box (Destruction Box). AurA and AurB also contain a KEN motif and an A-box that contributes to APC/C-dependent proteolysis. Numbers represent the residue position. Percentages of homology of the total amino acid sequence are evaluated (i) 57% between AurA and AurB, (ii) 75% between AurB and AurC and (iii) 60% between AurA and AurC. Percentages of homology of the catalytic domain are evaluated at (i) 71% between AurA and AurB, (ii) 75% between AurB and AurC and (iii) 60% between AurA and AurC