Potential contributing factors associated with in vivo titrations
Variable | Mode of modulation |
Protein concn | Removed in knockout E. coli strains; readded at tunable levels using the Ptet promoter and tetracycline in pKTSa |
Minimized via use of SsrA degradation tag in pKTSa | |
Proteins can be stabilized or destabilized by interaction with osmolytesb and/or crowders.c | |
Enzyme activity can be modulated by interactions with neighboring macromolecules.d | |
Altered protein expression levels possible due to osmotic stresse | |
May be affected by folding mechanism associated with oligomerization; e.g., if monomer can fold coming off the ribosome, it may be more stable than if an unfolded monomer needs another monomer to be synthesized to form a dimer | |
Enzyme activity | kon and koff rates as well as kcat/Km can be altered by interaction with crowders as well as increased viscosity upon addition of osmolytes and/or crowders. At high substrate concn, if chemistry is rate determining, then viscosity will likely have minimal effects.f |
Substrate capture (e.g., kcat/Km) can be rate determining at low substrate concn.g | |
If enzyme activity is inhibited by osmotic stress, the substrate concn will rise. | |
Substrate concn in cell | Weak interaction of ligands with osmolytes, for example, folate interaction with trehalose and betaine, can lower the concn of free ligand.h |
Cofactor concn in cell | Weak interaction of ligands with macromolecular surfaces; for example, folate interaction with lysozyme, BSA, and others can lower the concn of free ligand.i |
Gene knockout results in buildup of the substrate concn for the encoded enzyme. | |
No metabolomics information on folate redox state concn or NADPH in E. coli under osmotic stressj | |
Exclusion of osmolytes from NADPH can tighten binding.k | |
Domino effects | Buildup in substrate concn of inhibited enzymes can inhibit other enzymes in pathway. For example, inhibition of DHFR by trimethoprim results in buildup of DHF concn, which, in turn, inhibits folyl-polyglutamate synthase.l |
Inhibition of one enzyme will deplete the concn of its product, which, as the substrate of another enzyme, will reduce this rate as well. For example, a mathematical model of folate liver metabolism predicts that >90% inhibition of DHFR is necessary to affect thymidylate synthase activity.m | |
Identity of osmolytes in E. coli | Normally trehalose is produced as an osmoprotectant against low-water conditions.n Addition of betaine to the media results in its uptake and higher growth rates due to the preferential exclusion mechanism. Cells cannot grow when no free water remains (∼1.9 osmol).o |
Addition of betaine switches E. coli to fermentative pathways at high NaCl concn.p |