FIG 4.
Gene schematics of low-GC regions of the “Ca. Nitrosotenuis aquarius” genome. ORFs on forward and reverse strands are indicated by arrow directions and are not drawn to scale. Gene locus tags are indicated for assigned categories. (A) Defense-related genomic segment (R1 on Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). Numbers inside arrows represent amino acid identities (percent) to “Ca. Nitrosotenuis aquarius” proteins. (B) Glycosylation-related genomic segment (R2 on Fig. S3). Gene groups with lines below indicate that homologous genes in conserved order exist in the organisms indicated. Where available, specific gene names are indicated above the ORFs. Gene names indicated in gray below ORFs indicate potential gene alternatives. The largest conserved region within this DNA segment was a 12-ORF region in “Ca. Nitrosotenuis cloacae.” Numbers shown inside arrows represent percent amino acid identity to homologues in “Ca. Nitrosotenuis aquarius.” pse genes encode proteins involved in pseudaminic acid biosynthesis. The neu and kps genes encode proteins involved in neuraminic acid synthesis. Fkb proteins are involved in polyketide synthesis. rml genes are involved in rhamnose synthesis. Annotations for all genes in this figure are available in Tables S3 and S4.