Figure 1.
Timing of First Spikes in Olfactory Receptor Neurons Varies Over a Wider Concentration Range than Spike Rates
(A) Simultaneous, extracellular recordings from two OR59b neurons in two different ab2 sensilla during a pulse of methyl butyrate at a concentration of 10−4. Top: Odorant stimulus measured with a photoionization detector. Timescale bar refers to both panels. Inset: Odorant onset (3.6 ms rise time, mean ± SD over ten stimulus repetitions).
(B) Raster plot of spikes in seven simultaneously recorded pairs of OR59b neurons during stimulation with methyl butyrate at different concentrations (10−6, 10−4, 10−2).
(C) Same data as in (B) presented as spike probability in a sliding 1 ms window (mean ± SD over 14 OR59b neurons).
(D–F) First spike latencies (D), trial-to-trial jitter of first spike latencies (E), and minimum interspike intervals (1/maximum spike rate) (F) for OR59b and OR22a neurons during stimulation with different concentrations of methyl butyrate. Boxplots show the median and interquartile range across 14 OR59b and 12 OR22a neurons (same colored points represent same neuron). Numbers at the top indicate the median.
Stars indicate significant difference between medians of neighboring concentrations (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). See also Figures S1 and S2.