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. 2017 Mar 30;47(1):24–32. doi: 10.28920/dhm47.1.24-32

Table 2. Recommendations on the indications accepted for HBOT .

Condition Level of evidence Agreement level
Type 1
CO poisoning X Strong agreement
Open fractures with crush injury X Strong agreement
Prevention of osteoradionecrosis after X Strong agreement
dental extraction
Osteoradionecrosis (mandible) X Strong agreement
Soft tissue radionecrosis (cystitis, proctitis) X Strong agreement
Decompression illness X Strong agreement
Gas embolism X Strong agreement
Anaerobic or mixed bacterial infections X Strong agreement
Sudden deafness X Strong agreement
Type 2
Diabetic foot lesions X Strong agreeement
Femoral head necrosis X Strong agreeement
Compromised skin grafts and musculo- X Strong agreeement
cutaneous flaps
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) X Strong agreement
Crush Injury without fracture X Agreement
Osteoradionecrosis (bones other than mandible) X Agreement
Radio-induced lesions of soft tissues X Agreement
(other than cystitis and proctitis)
Surgery and implant in irradiated tissue X Agreement
(preventive treatment)
Ischaemic ulcers X Agreement
Refractory chronic osteomyelitis X Agreement
Burns, 2nd degree more than 20% BSA X Agreement
Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis X Agreement
Neuroblastoma, stage IV X Agreement
Type 3
Brain injury (acute and chronic TBI, chronic stroke, X Agreement
post anoxic encephalopathy) in highly selected patients
Radio-induced lesions of larynx X Agreement
Radio-induced lesions of the CNS X Agreement
Limb replantation X Agreement
Selected non-healing wounds secondary X Agreement
to systemic processes
Sickle cell disease X Agreement
Interstitial cystitis X Agreement