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. 2018 Sep 17;10:1203–1213. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S170169

Table S1.

Sensitivity and specificity of FIT for AN according to FIT cutoff and mean of daily maximum temperatures during sample travel

FIT cutoff (µg/g) Maximum temperature (°C) Sensitivity (N=267 with AN)
Specificity (N=2,603 without AN)
TP/NAN % (95% CI) TN/Nno AN % (95% CI)
10 <10 46/87 52.9 (41.9–63.7) 707/805 87.8 (85.4–90.0)
10–19 55/100 55.0 (44.7–65.0) 886/1019 86.9 (84.7–89.0)
20–24 30/56 53.6 (39.7–67.0) 436/484 90.1 (87.1–92.6)
≥ 25 14/24 58.3 (36.6–77.9) 252/295 85.4 (80.9–89.2)

15 <10 38/87 43.7 (33.1–54.7) 750/805 93.2 (91.2–94.8)
10–19 47/100 47.0 (36.9–57.2) 938/1019 92.1 (90.2–93.6)
20–24 23/56 41.1 (28.1–55.0) 450/484 93.0 (90.3–95.1)
≥ 25 10/24 41.7 (22.1–63.4) 273/295 92.5 (88.9–95.3)

17 <10 38/87 43.7 (33.1–54.7) 759/805 94.3 (92.5–95.8)
10–19 46/100 46.0 (36.0–56.3) 949/1019 93.1 (91.4–94.6)
20–24 23/56 41.1 (28.1–55.0) 451/484 93.2 (90.6–95.3)
≥ 25 9/24 37.5 (18.8–59.4) 276/295 93.6 (90.1–96.1)

20 <10 35/87 40.2 (29.9–51.3) 767/805 95.3 (93.6–96.6)
10–19 44/100 44.0 (34.1–54.3) 963/1019 94.5 (92.9–95.8)
20–24 22/56 39.3 (26.5–53.2) 459/484 94.8 (92.5–96.6)
≥ 25 7/24 29.2 (12.6–51.1) 277/295 93.9 (90.5–96.3)

25 <10 33/87 37.9 (27.7–49.0) 775/805 96.3 (94.7–97.5)
10–19 41/100 41.0 (31.3–51.3) 978/1019 96.0 (94.6–97.1)
20–24 19/56 33.9 (21.8–47.8) 465/484 96.1 (93.9–97.6)
≥ 25 7/24 29.2 (12.6–51.1) 282/295 95.6 (92.6–97.6)

Note: Italic text represents results for the cutoff recommended by the manufacturer.

Abbreviations: AN, advanced neoplasia (colorectal cancer or advanced adenoma); FIT, fecal immunochemical test; NAN, number of participants with advanced neoplasm; Nno AN, number of participants without advanced neoplasm; TN, true negative; TP, true positive; µg/g, microgram hemoglobin per gram of stool.