Schematic for model geometry of tubules and vessels. In each pane, bulk “Cortex” and “Medullary Ray” are distinguished. CMJ-1 refers to the boundary between Cortex and OM, and CMJ-2 to the boundary between Medullary Ray and OM; OIMJ is the outer-inner medullary junction. A: superficial (SF) nephron. sDHL denotes the short descending Henle limb, and AHLm and AHLc are medullary and cortical thick AHL. AHLc sits within the Medullary Ray; DCT is in the Cortex. B: juxtamedullary (JM) nephron. lDHLu and lDHLl are upper and lower portions of the long descending Henle limb; tAHL is thin AHL. There are 5 distinct populations of JM nephron, descending 1 to 5 mm into IM. C: distal nephron. SF and JM DCT coalesce at the start of the connecting segment, CNT, which lies within the Cortex. CCD descends within the Medullary Ray. D: model vessels. There are 2 populations of OMDVR (short VR), which descend 1 or 2 mm into OM. The long VR are denoted OIVR (outer-inner VR) within the OM, and then IMVR within IM; there are 5 populations of long VR, descending 1 to 5 mm into IM. The Medullary Ray has a single MRVR.