Figure 5.
Gaze-foot spatial-temporal coupling. (a) The toe-off interval (TO-interval) is the time at which the subject fixates the target minus the time of TO for stepping on it, where negative values indicate a saccade and subsequent fixation made to the target before TO. The heel contact interval (HC-interval) is the time at which a subject saccades away from the stepping target minus the time of HC on that target, where negative values indicate a saccade away before HC on the target. Illustrated are the TO-intervals across uncertainty conditions, tasks, and target number for the consistent (b) and the variable (c) environments. Also illustrated are the HC-intervals across uncertainty conditions, tasks, and target number for the consistent (d) and the variable (e) environments. Data are represented as mean ± SE. Person illustrations by Amanda Bakkum in (a) used with permission.