A–D: Average power densities plotted against frequency bands at baseline and ED95 ketamine dose. All points in curves in A–D represent an average of the bin including one Hz plotted at the upper value of that range. The value at 1Hz represents the bin from 0–1Hz, the 2Hz value represents the bin from 1–2Hz, for example. Data points represent the mean of all exposures (n=5 for KO, n=7 for control). Error bars represent standard deviations. (A) Delta, theta and alpha frequency ranges from 1 Hz – 13 HZ, control mice. (B) The beta and gamma ranges from 14 Hz – 57 HZ, control mice (58–60 Hz was removed due to background interference). (C) Delta, theta and alpha frequency ranges from 1 Hz – 13 HZ, Ndufs4(KO).
(D) The beta and gamma ranges from 14 Hz – 57 HZ, Ndufs4(KO (58–60 Hz was removed due to background interference)).
E–F: Comparison for control and KO between baseline and ketamine at ED95s. Average power densities in each frequency band in relation to ketamine at concentration at ED95 in control and KO groups: (E) delta and theta frequency bands (F); alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands. Error bars are standard errors of the mean. N=5 for mutant animals, N=7 for control animals. Brackets with stars indicate significance as described in Methods.