Core and EHEC-specific sRNAs that contribute to EHEC pathogenesis
General process targeted | sRNA | Target RNA | Type of regulation | Direct interaction | Reference(s) |
Adherence | sRNA103 | fimZ | Positive | Predicted | 64 |
Global regulation | AgvB | gcvB | Negative | Yes | 63 |
Iron homeostasis | AsxR | fnsR | Negative | Yes | 63 |
Esr41 | Bfr | Negative | Yes | 87 | |
chuA | Negative | Yes | 87 | ||
cirA | Negative | Yes | 87 | ||
LEE and effectors | GlmY/Z | LEE4 | Negative | Yes | 130 |
LEE5 | Negative | Unknown | 130 | ||
nleA | Positive | Predicted no | 64 | ||
espFu | Positive | Predicted direct | 130 | ||
sRNA56 | espA | Positive | Predicted no | 64 | |
sRNA103 | espA | Positive | Predicted no | 64 | |
sRNA350 | Unknown | Positive | Unknown | 64 | |
Arl | ler | Negative | Antisense sRNA | 119 | |
Esr055 | Unknown | Positive | Unknown | 147 | |
Spot42 | sepL | Negative | Yes | 87, 111 | |
RyhB | grlRA | Negative | Yes | 112 | |
MgrR | grlR | Negative | Yes | 112 | |
Metabolism | sRNA56 | ureG | Positive | Predicted direct | 64 |
Motility | Esr41 | fliC | Positive | Unknown | 175 |