Fig. 7.
MUC4/MUC16/MUC20 expression is associated with reduced overall survival of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. a Overall survival of MUC4/MUC16/MUC20 high and low risk group in pancreatic cancer available in TCGA datasets. High risk and low risk cohorts were determined by SurvExpress optimized algorithm. Log rang test and Hazard ratio were calculated to compare both cohorts. b Box plot of MUC4, MUC16 and MUC20 expression and the corresponding p value testing the differences between high risk and low risk groups. c Overall survival of MUC4/MUC16/MUC20 high and low risk groups in ICGC, Stratford (GSE21521) and Zhang (GSE 28735) datasets available in SurvExpress