Figure 5.
Experiment 3, Pavlovian conditioning and blocking. (A) Sign-tracking to presentations of the reinforced lever (Lev1+; empty squares) develops during initial conditioning and remains high during the blocking phase. Sign-tracking never develops to the presentations of the nonreinforced lever (Lev2−; solid squares). During the blocking phase compound presentation of the reinforced lever Lev1 with auditory S1 (Lev1 and S1+; empty circles) sustains sign-tracking at rates similar to presentations of Lev1+ alone. Compound presentations of the nonreinforced lever Lev2− with auditory S2 (Lev2 and S2+; solid circles) does not elicit sign-tracking and rates are similar to presentations of Lev2− alone. (B) Goal-tracking in response to presentations of the reinforced lever (Lev1+; empty squares) is reduced below pre-CS levels during initial acquisition and during blocking phase. No change from pre-CS rates in goal-tracking is observed in response to presentations of the nonreinforced lever Lev2 during initial acquisition or during blocking phase (Lev2−; solid squares). Compound presentations of the reinforced lever Lev1 with S1 (Lev1 and S1+; empty circles) during the blocking phase results in a reduction in goal-tracking below pre-CS rates which is similar to presentations of Lev1+ alone. Whereas compound presentation of the nonreinforced lever Lev2 with S2 (Lev2 and S2+; solid circles) elicits robust goal tracking which emerges across the blocking phase.