Figure 2.
Cross-lagged panel analysis of the executive function (EF) data and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D; Panel A) and major depression disorder symptoms (MDDsx, Panel B) data. Ellipses indicate latent variables estimated with age and sex-regressed residuals (indicators not shown for simplicity). MDDsx was an ordinal variable, with zero for no criteria met, 1 for at least one criterion met but no diagnosis, and 2 for diagnosis, and was regressed on sex and age of assessment (paths not shown). Numbers on arrows are standardized regression coefficients, numbers inside circles are residual variances, numbers on curved double-headed arrows are residual correlations, and numbers in brackets are standard errors. The residual variance of age 23 Updating-Specific (Sp.) was fixed to zero in Panel A; thus its correlation with age 23 CES-D was not estimated. Boldface type and solid lines indicate statistical significance (p<.05), and dashed lines indicate non-significance (p<.05), determined with chi-square difference tests. Total N=877.