Parvati Dev, PhD ▶
Parvati Dev is the Director of Stanford University Medical Media and Information Technology (SUMMIT) at Stanford University School of Medicine. She is a Senior Research Scientist in the Section on Medical Informatics and holds an affiliate faculty appointment in the Division of Biomechanics. Dr. Dev received a Bachelor of Technology degree, with Honors, in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. She earned an MS and a PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University.
Dr. Dev has worked on the research and teaching staffs at MIT, Boston University, the Stanford Veterans Administration Medical Center, and Stanford University. From 1982 to 1989, she led product research at a medical imaging company, developing clinical three-dimensional imaging. Since coming to Stanford University, her research has focused on technologies to increase the efficiency and quality of education software development, including the facilitation of authoring of large, complex hypermedia documents, and on navigation in hypermedia during learning and problem-solving. Her recent research is on authoring tools for the construction of virtual teaching spaces on the Internet. Under her management and leadership, the SUMMIT research group has had a large impact on medical education both at Stanford and worldwide.
Dr. Dev is Chair of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Education Working Group. She is a member of the AMIA publications committee and the editorial board of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
William R. Hersh, MD ▶
William R. Hersh is Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical Informatics, and Public Health at Oregon Health Sciences University, where he also serves as Director of the Master of Science Program in Medical Informatics. Dr. Hersh received his BS degree in Biology and his MD from University of Illinois. After a residency in internal medicine at the University of Illinois, he completed a fellowship in Medical Informatics at Harvard University.
Dr. Hersh's research has focused upon medical information retrieval. He has studied a variety of approaches to indexing and retrieval of medical text with the SAPHIRE system and the dissemination and evaluation of retrieval systems. Recently, he has expanded his research into vocabulary construction and data extraction from the electronic medical record. He is author of the book Information Retrieval: A Health Care Perspective (Springer—Verlag, 1996).
Dr. Hersh is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) and is co-editor of ACM SIGIR Forum. He is a member of the American Medical Informatics Association Board of Directors.
Vimla L. Patel, PhD ▶
Vimla L. Patel is Professor of Medicine and Psychology at McGill University in Montreal. She is the Director of the McGill Cognitive Science Centre and the Centre for Medical Education at McGill. She received her BSc in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Otago University, New Zealand, and her MA and PhD in Educational Psychology from McGill University, Montreal.
Dr. Patel has done extensive research in medical cognition as it affects medical education, learning, clinical decision support, and interface design. The study of expert performance has been a central topic in cognition; Dr. Patel's work on how facts about health are stored and retrieved by novice and expert performers has improved the breadth of topics to which cognitive theory can be applied and shown how the principles used in medical diagnosis evolve with learning. This work logically overlaps with work with medical decision support, computer-assisted education, and the psychology of human computer interactions.
Dr. Patel is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Her laboratory was recently recognized as a part of the Canadian Centres of Excellence Program. She is assistant editor of AI in Medicine, and a co-editor on the monograph series “Cognitive Science and Technology.” She serves on the editorial boards of The Journal of Experimental Psychology and the International Journal of Biomedical Computing.
Jonathan M. Teich, MD, PhD ▶
Jonathan Teich is the director of the Center for Applied Medical Information Systems Research at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and corporate director of clinical systems research and development for Partners Healthcare Systems, the parent corporation of Brigham and Women's and Massachusetts General Hospital. He is also an attending physician in the BWH Department of Emergency Medicine. He received a BS in Biochemistry and Engineering from Caltech, his MD at Harvard Medical School, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in emergency medicine at BWH.
Since joining the Information Systems department at BWH, Dr. Teich's efforts have included the development of the computerized ambulatory record, the Handbook clinical reference system, provider order entry with extensive decision support, automated patient coverage list and sign-out systems, emergency medicine care improvement, and the BWH clinical event-processing engine. His research centers on the design and impact of user-friendly systems that guide providers toward optimal care patterns, lower resource utilization, better clinical communication, and reduced adverse events.
Dr. Teich is a member of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Publications Committee, the AMIA Clinical Computing Working Group, and the program committee for the 1997 AMIA Fall Symposium.
Richard T. West, MLS ▶
Richard T. West was IAIMS Program Officer and Acting Chief of International Programs at the National Library of Medicine. He received his BS degree in Psychology from American University and his MLS from the College of Library and Information Science at the University of Maryland.
Mr. West came to the National Library of Medicine in 1970, where he served as program officer and Chief of the Office of Program Planning and Evaluation before taking responsibility for launching the Integrated Academic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) initiative. He steered the program from its early focus upon developing a new role for the library as a central node in the academic information network into a major force that nurtured development of integrated advanced information management systems to underpin integrated health delivery systems and new paradigms in research and education. In the process, he facilitated change efforts at biomedical institutions across the country, and he mentored investigators and administrators.
Mr. West received the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Merit Award and served as a member of the NIH Grants Associate Board.
Francois Gremy, MD ▶
Francois Gremy is Professor of Medicine at the University of Montpellier. He first earned degrees in Mathematics and Physics and subsequently completed his medical studies, serving as an intern at the Hopitaux de Paris. He acquired specific competence in Cardiology and Neurology.
Dr. Gremy was Professor of Medicine at Tours and then at Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris. In the latter position, he was Chief of the Medical Informatics Service at Hopitaux de Paris and Director of Research Unit in Public Health and Economic and Social Epidemiology. At Montpellier, he served first as Chief of Service for the Department of Medical Informatics and then as Chief of Service for Medical Economics and Preventive Medicine. He is the founder and first president of the International Medical Informatics Association. His influence has ranged from hard sciences to clinical medicine, and he is recognized as a philosopher among medical informaticians.
His honors include the Janssen Prize from the Academy of Medicine; Silver Core International Federation for Information Processing; Chevalier Legion of Honor; Prize in Medicine and Public Health from the Institute of Health Sciences; and an Honorary Doctorate from Catholic University in Louvain, Belgium.
Jan H. van Bemmel, PhD ▶
Jan H. van Bemmel is Professor and Chairman of Medical Informatics at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Erasmus University, Rotterdam. He received an MSc in Physics and Mathematics from the Technical University in Delft and a PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Nymegen.
Dr. van Bemmel was Head of the Department of Biosignal Processing at the Institute of Medical Physics TNO in Utrecht from 1963-1973. He was Professor of Medical Informatics of the Faculty of Medicine at the Free University of Amsterdam from 1973 until he assumed his current position in 1987. His work has led to new knowledge in the areas of computer-assisted electrocardiography, computer-based patient records, pattern recognition, and decision-support methodologies. He has been instrumental in the development of Medical Informatics as a discipline. He is Chief Editor of Methods of Information in Medicine and the IMIA Yearbooks of Medical Informatics. He is a member of the editorial boards of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Medical Informatics, and the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. He has been involved in all aspects of the MEDINFO scientific program for two decades. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dutch Society for Medical Informatics, and a past vice president of the International Medical Informatics Association.
Dr. van Bemmel is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Dutch Health Council. He is a Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine.