(A) Schematics of a subset of the neurons considered for the screen. The example neurons shown in B, C and D are indicated by blue and orange dotted-line boxes. (B) For each potential neuronal pair, driver lines with clean expression in the central complex were selected — the boxes delineate the approximate position of the neurons of interest in the brain. (C) To determine if a given pair is a promising candidate, we examined the degree of overlap between putative pre- and post-synaptic regions in the expression patterns in anatomy images registered to a common brain template. If the candidate pre- and post-synaptic regions overlapped (as indicated by the blue ellipse), we expressed CsChrimson in the presynaptic candidate and GCaMP6m in the postsynaptic candidate, and then imaged the ex-vivo brain in a two-photon laser scanning microscope while optogenetically stimulating the candidate presynaptic population (D). We selected the region imaged based on proximity to the overlapping processes, but ensured that it contained only GCaMP expressing arbors (yellow ellipse in C, and box in D).