Figure 3. Characterization of calcium transients observed in response to o stimulation.
(A and B) Summary of different response types. Stimulation is indicated by the gray bar and consists of 20 light pulses (50 μW/mm2, each of 2 ms duration) delivered at 30 Hz. (A) Example neuron pairs, easily interpretable responses. (B) Example neuron pairs, responses that are more difficult to interpret. In A and B, all responses, expressed as , are baseline subtracted except for the inhibitory response in Aii. Scale bar 2 s. Grey dashed boxes show the region of overlap between the two patterns, and yellow boxes indicate the area that was generally imaged for the pairs shown. (C) Example of statistics computed on individual runs and cell pairs characterizing: (i) average response shape, (ii) reliability of the response, and (iii) response sensitivity. (D) Using the distribution of statistics from non-overlapping controls to assign classes to the responses: distributions of response amplitudes and reliability as measured by the scaled normalized integral (the median of the integral normalized to the baseline and scaled so that the dataset spans the [−1,1] range) and the between-flies correlation (see Materials and methods). Each point corresponds to a different cell pair (median statistics across flies). Control unconnected pairs are shown in blue, and self-activation (CsChrimson and GCaMP6m expressed in the same neuron type) in orange. Responses considered significantly different from the control sample (p<0.01, see Materials and methods) are circled.