Compilation of reported respiratory pH values. Values for healthy humans include those from the nasal cavity [106, 108], nasopharynx [118], soft palate [119], oropharynx [120], trachea [121, 122], and lungs [123–125]. Limited data is available for non-human species. Reported values for animals include those for the ferret trachea [126], swine trachea [127–129], and mouse nasal cavity [123] and trachea [130, 131]. Values for co-morbidities include those for cystic fibrosis patients [107, 132, 133], healthy children [107, 119, 134, 135], and respiratory infected [135, 136]. Reported values include average values (bold type) and the range of data in parentheses. For illustrative purposes, reported values are shaded using a spectral color scheme (bottom left).