PTH differentially regulated Dkk2 and Dkk1 mRNA in bones of WT and Fgf2KO mice. Three-month old female mice were treated with PTH (20 μg/kg body weight) or vehicle for 8 h. Left tibia was harvest for RNA extraction. (A) Dkk2 mRNA expression by qPCR, n = 6–11 mice/group. (B) (E) IF staining of DKK2. Osteoblasts on trabecular surface were label with green fluorescence sapphire (arrows). DKK2 was labeled with red fluorescence (dashed arrows). As noted, PTH markedly increased DKK2 in osteoblasts of WT mice but the increase was attenuated in the Fgf2KO mice (yellow, arrow heads). (C) Dkk1 mRNA expression by qPCR, n = 6–11 mice/group. Data presented are Mean ± SE. *: WT-Veh vs. Fgf2KO-Veh p < 0.05; #: compared with corresponding Veh p < 0.05 by ANOVA. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)