Figure 1. Mutation burdens in CRAs and CRCs.
a. CRAs tended to have slightly fewer exonic SNAs than CRCs but the difference was not significant. The average burden and 95% range across these different tumours is shown by the rightmost bars. b. The number of individual CNAs (as measured by the number of segmentations) is significantly greater in CRCs than CRAs (p=0.003, 95% range shown by bars). c. SNA driver mutation burdens and allelic loss of 5q, 17p and 18q, are shown for each tumour. A comparison of all events is show by the red bars, while tier 1 driver changes exclusively are shown in dark grey, with tier 2 in light grey. d. Distribution of canonical driver mutations across tumours. APC is the only ubiquitous driver event. There is no significant enrichment of cnLOH mutations as second hits to APC or TP53 mutations in adenomas compared to carcinomas (though TP53 is borderline).