(a) Representative seizures elicited by focal pilocarpine injection
before (pre-Rx) and after lentiviral treatment with eGluCl or GFP (post-Rx)
(scale bar 5min and 1mV). (b) Absolute differences in the
cumulative coastline between the two pilocarpine trials pre-Rx and post-Rx
(eGluCl –1.08±0.58V at 20 minutes, n=6 animals; GFP
1.04±0.34V, n=7 animals; mean±sem, p=0.007, Student’s
t-test). (c) Number of spikes (ratio of spikes in the second trial
to the first trial: eGluCl: 0.60±0.12; GFP: 1.27±0.18;
mean±sem, p=0.012, Student’s t-test), 4 – 14 Hz power
(ratio of second trial to first: eGluCl: 0.44±0.19; GFP:
1.47±0.16; p=0.002), spike frequency (ratio of second trial to first:
eGluCl: 0.65±0.13; GFP: 1.29±0.14; p=0.007), and seizure duration
post-Rx normalized to the corresponding values pre-Rx (ratio of second trial to
first: eGluCl: 0.79±0.11; GFP: 1.02±0.10; p=0.146).
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.