(a) Representative seizures from two animals injected with tetanus
toxin into layer 5 of the visual cortex after treatment with eGluCl or control
GFP lentivector. (scale bar 10sec and 0.5mV). (b) Raster plot of
seizures in the same animals. Boxes: seizures in panel (a). TetTx was injected
at surgery (day -11), and the arrow indicates the timepoint of either eGluCl or
GFP lentivector injection (day 0). (c) Seizure frequency (per week,
mean±sem) for animals treated with either eGluCl (n=10 animals) or
control GFP lentivector (n=10 animals) (indicated by the arrow), normalized by
pre-Rx seizure rates (generalized log-linear mixed model: F(1, 59)=20.66,
treatment effect p<0.001; F(8, 59)=17.28, treatment*week interaction
effect p<0.001). The inset shows all individual experiments.
(d) Normalized cumulative seizure frequency (per day) for
animals injected with either eGluCl or control GFP lentivector
(mean±sem). Inset: absolute number of seizures pre-Rx for the two groups
(eGluCl 10.1±1.5, n=10; GFP 10.4±1.2, n=10; mean±sem,
p=0.761, Student’s t-test). The arrow indicates the timepoint of eGluCl
or GFP injection. Right panel: total number of seizures post-Rx, normalized by
pre-Rx rate, for animals injected with either eGluCl or GFP control (eGluCl:
2.62±0.26, n=10; GFP: 3.79±0.24, n=10; mean±sem, p=0.004,
Student’s t-test). **p<0.01.