Figure 3.
Catheter months before initial access use, calculated as months between the vascular access (AVF/AVG) placement date and its first use. Vascular access surgery must occur within 6 months of dialysis initiation and successful use of vascular access must occur within 6 months of creation surgery. Showing + Mean; ◊ Median; and 25th and 75th percentiles. Kruskal-Wallis test conducted to compare median values (p<0.0001 comparing catheter-dependence between the 4 groups). Pair-wise comparisons of mean duration of catheter dependence between AVFs requiring an intervention vs no intervention to make vascular access functional for successful use on dialysis, AVGs requiring an intervention vs no intervention to make vascular access functional for successful use on dialysis, AVF vs AVG requiring interventions to make vascular access functional for successful use on dialysis, AVF vs AVG not requiring interventions to make vascular access functional for successful use on dialysis had p<0.001.