Table 3.
Results from Additional Analyses
Variable | All Sample | Among Users† | ||||
Marginal Effect (Robust SE) | Marginal Effect (Robust SE) | |||||
Use of Cancer Drugs in HOPD or Office | Use of Cancer Drug in HOPD | Number of Cancer Drug Claims | Cancer Drug Spending | Spending on Cancer Care Other Than Drugs | Spending on Any Care | |
Analysis including markets that had had a 340B hospital since years before the study period | ||||||
(N = 611,948) | (N = 71,135) | |||||
NEW340B indicator‡ | −0.04 (0.18) | 2.68** (1.04) | −0.10 (0.13) | 112 (322) | 523* (283) | 592 (501) |
Analysis using Primary Care Service Area (PCSA) as the market | ||||||
(N = 797,585) | (N = 95,169) | |||||
NEW340B indicator§ | −0.26 (0.16) | 2.51*** (0.76) | −0.22 (0.14) | −315 (310) | 99 (236) | −154 (455) |
Using false indicator for presence of 340B hospital | ||||||
(N = 40,451) | (N = 4,809) | |||||
False NEW340B¶ | 0.12 (0.71) | 3.12 (2.07) | −0.07 (0.79) | 513 (1,226) | 425 (766) | 1,192 (1,752) |
†Patients who received any provider‐administered cancer drug.
‡Dummy indicating observations from a market (hospital referral region) that gained a new 340B hospital in a year when the 340B hospital was available.
§Dummy indicating observations from a market that newly gained a new 340B hospital/clinic in a year when the 340B hospital/clinic was available.
¶False indicator of the presence of a 340B hospital in the market (hospital referral region).
* p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01. All regressions control for market and year fixed effects, and time‐varying patient and market characteristics; standard errors are accounted for clustering within a market; and spending measures are adjusted to 2013 dollars.
HOPD, hospital outpatient department; SE, standard errors.