Msx2 was downstream of the BMP4–SMAD1/5 axis.
A and B, shRNA against luciferase, Smad1, or Smad5 was used in MEFs or during reprogramming in the presence of 2. 5 ng/ml BMP4. Msx2 expression and reprogramming efficiency were determined. C and D, a lentivirus encoding Smad1, or Smad5 was used in MEFs or during reprogramming with or without shRNA against Msx2. Msx2 expression and reprogramming efficiency were determined. E, a promoter of Msx2 (−1.6 to +0.12 kb relative to the TSS) was used to drive the expression of luciferase, which was determined when 2.5 ng/ml BMP4 was used or the expression of Smad1/5 was modulated. All experiments were repeated at least five times. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post hoc test was used. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.