Titration of Rox–40-1, SgrAI, with Flo–PC DNA in the presence of 10 mm Ca2+.
A, 50 nm Rox–40-1, 2 μm SgrAI, 10 mm CaCl2, and buffer A (see “Experimental procedures”) with PC (1:9 Flo–PC:PC) at 25 °C. Emission spectra taken with 498-nm excitation, and corrected for Flo emission, dilution, and Rox emission caused by absorption at 498 nm. Concentration of total EP40 (SgrAI bound to two Flo–PC molecules, calculated as half the concentration of total added Flo–PC and assumes complete binding of Flo–PC) shown in nm. B, average corrected intensities from A (wavelengths 603–613 nm) versus total EP40 (the concentration of SgrAI bound to Flo–PC DNA) (filled blue circles). Values are fit to the Hill equation (red line, r = 0.9985) to give K½ = 0.16 ± 03 μm and Hill coefficient = 1.1 ± 0.1.