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. 2018 Aug 10;4(8):FSO333. doi: 10.4155/fsoa-2018-0045

Table 2. . Multivariable linear regression models of variables independently associated with urinary levels of β-2 microglobulin among 41 childhood cancer survivors post-treatment.

Variable B β p-value Partial R T VIF
Initial model: all covariates

Constant -20,075 0.001 -3,877

Ifosfamide use (yes/no) -0,858 -0,076 0.304 -0,201 -1,048 2,213

Cisplatin use (yes/no) -1,079 -0,099 0.306 -0,2 -1,043 3,802

Cyclophosphamide use (yes/no) -0,082 -0,007 0.903 -0,024 -0,123 1,552

Carboplatin use (yes/no) -0,411 -0,031 0.645 -0,091 -0,466 1,893

Methotrexate (yes/no) -0,098 -0,005 0.936 -0,016 -0,081 1,822

Follow-up (years) -0,004 -0,035 0.666 -0,085 -0,437 2,777

Age at diagnosis (years) -0,059 -0,047 0.583 -0,108 -0,556 3,004

Metastasis (yes/no) 0,043 0,003 0.96 0,01 0,051 1,573

Gender (male/female) -0,494 -0,045 0.477 -0,14 -0,722 1,667

Plasma levels of magnesium (mg/dl) 1,811 0,059 0.394 0,168 0,867 1,968

Plasma levels of urea (mg/dl) -0,063 -0,084 0.296 -0,205 -1,067 2,604

Plasma levels of cholesterol (mg/dl) 0,042 0,166 0.031 0,408 2,282 2,224

Plasma levels of creatinine (mg/dl) 19,878 0,821 < 0.001 0,919 11,91 2,003

Systolic blood presure (mmHg) 0,104 0,233 0.009 0,487 2,845 2,829

Final model: only covariates with p < 0.05

Constant -15,472 < 0.001 -5,725

Plasma levels of cholesterol (mg/dl) 0,036 0,142 0.005 0,439 2,975 1,107

Plasma levels of creatinine (mg/dl) 19,784 0,817 < 0.001 0,926 14,968 1,451

Systolic blood presure (mmHg) 0,07 0,158 0.007 0,425 2,854 1,493

B: Unstandardized coefficient; β: Standardized coefficient; OSM: Osmolality; Partial R: Partial correlation coefficient; T: t-statistic; VIF: Variance inflation factor.