Fig. 13.
Development of ES512 unpollinated pistils after emasculation and isolation from external pollination. (A) Unpollinated pistils on the third day of the experiment (3 DAE). (B) Enlarged unpollinated pistil at 7 DAE. (C–F) Types of unfertilized embryo sac inside unpollinated but enlarged pistils at 7 DAE. (C, D) Mature embryo sacs consist of intact cells of the egg apparatus: the egg cell and two synergids accompanied by two unfused polar nuclei. Sometimes antipodal cells (C) were noted. (E) Structure resembling the zygote, accompanied by unfused polar nuclei and degenerated synergids. (F) Embryo sac containing an embryo-like structure, which consists of three cells; the boundary between two-nuclear apical cell of the embryo-like structure and other cells is indicated by an arrowhead. Abbreviations: ec, egg cell; pn, polar nucleus; ac, antipodal cell; sc, synergid cell; v, vacuole; ZLS, zygote-like structure; ELS, embryo-like structure. (A, B) Images obtained by stereoscopic microscopy; (C–F) cleared material visualized by DIC microscopy. Scale bar in (A) applies to (A) and (B); Scale bar in (C) applies to (C–F).