General Strategy
A. Reduce Non-Climate Stresses |
Minimize localized human stressors that hinder the ability of species or ecosystems to withstand or adjust to climatic events |
B. Ensure Connectivity |
Protect habitats that facilitate movement of organisms (and gene flow) among resource patches |
C. Support Evolutionary Potential |
Protect a variety of species, populations and ecosystems in multiple places to bet-hedge against losses from climate disturbances, and where possible manage these systems to assist positive evolutionary change |
D. Protect Key Ecosystem Features |
Focus management on structural characteristics, organisms, or areas that represent important ‘underpinnings’ or ‘keystones’ of the current or future system of interest |
E. Restore Structure & Function |
Rebuild, modify or transform ecosystems that have been lost or compromised, in order to restore desired structures and functions |
F. Protect Refugia |
Protect areas less affected by climate change as sources of ‘seed’ for recovery or as destinations for climate-sensitive migrants |
G. Relocate Organisms |
Engage in human-facilitated transplanting of organisms from one location to another in order to bypass a barrier (e.g., conflicting current) |