Table 4.
Clinical signs and symptoms in patients with UTI and without UTI
Symptoms | UTI n = 45 | No UTI n = 241 | P valuea |
N (%) | N (%) | ||
Bacteria in urinary sample | 23 (51.1) | 30 (14.9) | < 0.001 |
Pyuriab | 28 (62.2) | 55 (27.4) | < 0.001 |
Hematuriac | 10 (22.2) | 32 (15.9) | 0.31 |
Feverd | 5 (11.1) | 9 (4.5) | 0.09 |
Abdominal pain | 11 (24.4) | 7 (3.5) | < 0.001 |
Urgency | 14 (31.1) | 3 (1.5) | < 0.001 |
Frequency | 28 (62.2) | 39 (19.6) | < 0.001 |
Pain when urinating | 20 (44.4) | 8 (4.0) | < 0.001 |
Flank pain/renal angle tenderness | 9 (20.0) | 7 (3.5) | < 0.001 |
Deliriume | 13 (28.9) | 36 (18.0) | 0.1 |
Tachycardia | 5 (11.1) | 3 (1.5) | 0.006 |
Hypotension | 9 (20.0) | 24 (12.1) | 0.16 |
Loss of appetite | 4 (8.9) | 12 (6.0) | 0.48 |
Faints/falls, n (%) | 134 (28.9) | 59 (29.5) | 0.94 |
aχ2 test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate, for categorical variables
bDefined as > 5 leukocytes/μL
cDefined as > 5 RBCs/μL
dDefined as temperature > 38.0 °C
eDiagnosed with the delirium observational scale