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. 2018 Jun 2;22(Suppl 1):22–32. doi: 10.1007/s10995-018-2529-7

Table 1.

Coding scheme: home visitor referral follow-up supports

Terms Brief definition Example
Low-level support Check-ins Interactions between HVs and participants that are in the service of tracking and monitoring. HV ask, or participants volunteer information, about progress toward connecting to a service, concerns about service connection, and actions they must take to become eligible for enrollment Mom used to have Medicaid but it was closed in February. Mom reapplied and the status is pending
Moderate support Encouragement, suggestions, and advice The HV advises or encourages the participant to take an action related to connecting to a service Mom said she didn’t get a chance to call the adult GED program and she will. HV encouraged her to do it ASAP
Emotional support/Cheer-leading The HV demonstrates support, gives praise, or provides comfort related to a service that the participant is attempting to connect to I praised mom for keeping her cool when the DTA case manager told her she was no longer eligible for benefits—we talked about how hard it was for mom to not blow her top
Information provision The HV provides the participant with information needed to connect with a service or information about how a service works Mom is in the process of applying for unemployment and asked me how to do it. I researched material and went over it with her
Advanced support Instrumental support The HV provides hands-on assistance to the participant (e.g., helps complete an application, accompanies participant to appointment) in order to promote service connection I help mom fill out the financial application for child support. It took up the whole visit
Interagency case review Parties from one or more programs, including the home visiting program, discuss a participant’s case Had meeting with [Child Protection Services] social worker to talk about Mom’s service plan for reunification