Fig. 3.
QTL positions for observed traits in the Excalibur × Kukri DH population under control and salt stress (100 mM NaCl for 10 days). The vertical QTL bars represent the 1 and 2 LOD drops from the maximum likelihood value. QTL and their positions are indicated: for Growth(1–5) (QG(1–5).asl-7A), RGR (QRGR.asl-5A and QRGR-7A), 4th leaf Na+ accumulation (µmol/g DW) (QNa.asl-1A.1, QNa.asl-1A.2, QNa.asl-6A and QNa.asl-7A), K+ accumulation (µmol/g DW) (QK.asl-2B.1, QK.asl-2B.2 and QK.asl-5A), Na+:K+ (DW) (QNa:K.asl-5A.1, QNa:K.asl-5A.2, QNa:K.asl-6A, QNa:K.asl-7A) and K+:Na+ (DW) (QK:Na.asl-6A). RGR = relative growth rate (days 1–5), Growth(1–5) = RGR of plants between 1 and 5 days after salt stress (RGR salt/RGR control), respectively