Figure 3.
Habit of representative fungal strains which develop peculiar phenotypes of secondary metabolites on diverse culture media (the acronym of medium name and the number of the strain are reported in parentheses): (a,b,d) Eurotiomycetes (Chaetothyriales, A1109, A1165 and A527) fungi (on MY and SAB); (c,e) Dothideomycetes fungi (on DG18; A1086 and A1168); (f) lichen mycobiont Tephromela atra (on LBM, A1180). (a) Two different strains with diverse phenotypes have grown out from a single inoculum. (d) Chaetothyrialean black fungi (A527) have been the most commonly isolated strains from rock inhabiting lichens. Arrows indicates the areas of the mycelia (b,c,e) or of the medium (f) where secondary metabolites accumulate and deserve further analyses. Scale bars = (a–d,f) 4 mm, (e) 5 mm.