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. 2018 Sep 24;18:208. doi: 10.1186/s12870-018-1429-8

Table 5.

Maximum-likelihood estimates (MLE) and 90% highest posterior density (HPD) intervals of demographic parameters of T. hemsleyanum based on ima multi-locus analyses.

Estimates Θ CSE Θ SW Θ A m cse-sw m sw-cse t N CSE N SW N A 2NCSEMCSE-SW 2NSWMSW-CSE T (years BP)
MLE 8.518 6.718 2.728 0.048 0.073 1.494 845282 666590 270737 0.201 0.232 2,964,251
HPD90HPDLO 4.963 1.888 1.188 0.000 0.000 0.803 492425 187295 117835 0.000 0.000 1,592,630
HPD90HPDHi 12.69 12.96 4.412 0.133 0.226 2.362 1258971 1286259 437849 0.562 0.738 4,688,583

ΘCSE, ΘSW, ΘA represent the scaled effective population sizes (Ne) of CSE lineage, SW lineage of T. hemsleyanum, and the ancestral population, respectively. mcse-sw and msw-cse refer to the scaled migration rates forward in time from CSE to SW lineage and vice versa. t is the time since ancestral population splitting in mutational units. 2NCSEMCSE-SW and 2NSWMSW-CSE are the effective migration rates (number of migrants per generation). All estimates include the per gene mutation rate V (geometric mean of the mutation rates of all the loci). Parameters in the first six columns are scaled by the mutation rate, while the rest are scaled by years or individuals.