Fig. 9.
Nuclear localization of Cx43-20k and N-cad expression is BTF3 dependent in HeLa cells. a, b siRNA efficiency. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA control (siCTL) and siRNA against BTF3 (siBTF3). siBTF3 leads to an efficient reduction in Btf3 mRNA as analyzed by qPCR (a) (N = 4) and BTF3 protein as analyzed by western blot (b) (N = 4). c, d Cx43-20k nuclear localization. c siBTF3 leads to a strong reduction in Cx43-20k nuclear localization, compared with siCTL (N = 3). d No difference between siCTL and siBTF3 was observed in cells transfected with a control GFP vector (N = 3). Scale bar = 20 μm. e, f N-cadherin expression. siBTF3 leads to a strong reduction of the n-cadherin mRNA (N = 4) (e) and protein levels (N = 4) (f) induced by Cx43-20k-GFP, as indicated by qPCR and western blot analyses. Histograms in a, b, e, and f represent mean ± S.E. (one-way ANOVA for e p*** < 0.001, two-tailed t- test p** < 0.01, p*** < 0.001, p**** < 0.0001). N number of independent experiments; n sample size. Spread of data in bar charts is shown as overlying dots. n.s. nonsignificant