Figure 4. Stac enhances the PO of CaV1.3.
(A) A general four-state scheme for stac and CaM modulation. (1) CaV1.3S devoid of CaM and stac possess a low baseline PO (PO/E). (2) Without stac, apoCaM binding to CaV1.3S upregulates baseline PO (PO/A). Baseline PO of CaV1.3S bound to stac in the absence (configuration 3, PO/E*) and the presence of apoCaM (configuration 4, PO/A*) are unknown. (B) Schematic outlines three mechanistic possibilities for stac binding to CaV1 and their functional outcomes. Scenario 1, stac uniformly suppresses PO of CaV1 (PO/E) and abolishes CDI. Scenario 2, apoCaM tunes baseline PO of CaV1 despite concurrent stac binding. Stac, nonetheless, abrogates CDI. Scenario 3, stac uniformly upregulates the baseline PO of CaV1 and abolishes CDI (PO/A). (C) Top, cartoon shows the canonical CaV1.3S variant with a high apoCaM binding affinity. Single-channel analysis of recombinant CaV1.3S in the absence (middle) and presence of stac (bottom). In both panels, the unitary Ba2+ currents during voltage-ramp are shown between −50 mV and +40 mV (slanted gray lines, GHK fit). Robust CaV1.3 openings are detected in the absence and presence of stac. (D) Average single-channel PO-voltage relationship for CaV1.3S obtained from multiple patches in the absence (gray) and presence of stac2 (blue). Error bars indicate ±S.E.M. for specified number of patches and 80–150 stochastic records per patch. (E) Histogram shows distribution of single-trial average PO (O) for the voltage range -30 mV ≤ V ≤ +25 mV under control (top), stac-bound (middle), and CaM-bound (bottom) conditions. O-distribution is bimodal in the absence of stac corresponding to high PO (gray) and low PO (rose) gating modes. With stac, O-distribution is largely restricted to the high PO mode. (F–H) Single-channel analysis of a recombinant CaV1.3RNA-edited variant reveals a marked upregulation in the baseline PO in the presence of stac compared with control conditions in which apoCaM preassociation is weak. Absent stac or CaM, single-trial O-distribution is restricted to the low PO limits, With either stac or CaM, the high PO gating mode re-emerges. Format as in (C–E). (I–K) Stac also upregulates the baseline PO of CaV1.3L, an alternatively spliced variant, by stabilizing the high PO gating configuration. Format as in (C–E).