Figure 6.
Effect of juvenile stress and diet on fold changes for dopamine (DA) receptors mRNA expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and nucleus accumbens (NA). (A) There were no significant changes in DRD1 expression across groups in the PFC. (B) DRD2 expression in the PFC was downregulated in non-stressed rats fed the palatable diet. (C) There was an upregulation in DRD1 expression in juvenile stressed rats with access to palatable food in the NA (D) DRD2 expression was upregulated in juvenile stressed rats with access to palatable food however this did not reach significance in the NA. *Significantly different from stressed palatable diet group and non-stressed chow group (p < 0.05). αSignificantly different from non-stressed palatable diet group (p < 0.05). εSignificantly different from non-stressed groups (p < 0.05).